Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9229, aired 2024-12-19BOOMERS $400: Famous people named Al born in NYC in 1954 who at one point lost more than 100 pounds include Al Roker & this minister & activist Al Sharpton
#9229, aired 2024-12-19BOOMERS $800: In 1970 Annie Leibovitz got her 1st photo assignment from this magazine & boomer Bible: Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane Rolling Stone
#9229, aired 2024-12-19BOOMERS $1200: Astronaut Kathryn Sullivan spent lots of time in orbit & was fittingly born on the day of the Bobby Thomson home run known as this the "Shot Heard 'Round the World"
#9229, aired 2024-12-19BOOMERS $1600: As well as "Sin City", he's famous for creating "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns", but was a Superboy fan as a boomer kid (Frank) Miller
#9229, aired 2024-12-19BOOMERS $2000: Oversized steel versions of inflatable pool toys are one consumer culture-influenced series by this artist Jeff Koons

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