Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7493, aired 2017-03-22BOLD GOERS $400: Fridtjof Nansen was the first European to cross this land; a Danish official met him at the end in Godthaab in 1888 Greenland
#7493, aired 2017-03-22BOLD GOERS $800: In 1952, a year before he reached the top of the world, he failed to reach the summit of 27,000-foot Cho Oyu in a rehearsal Hillary
#7493, aired 2017-03-22BOLD GOERS $1200: In 1897 Sweden's Salomon Andree tried to drift over the North Pole in one of these but crash-landed & later perished a balloon
#7493, aired 2017-03-22BOLD GOERS $1600: While exploring the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 1534, this Frenchman discovered Prince Edward Island Jacques Cartier
#7493, aired 2017-03-22BOLD GOERS $2000: In 57 days in 1930, 3 men crossed this "Quarter" in the Arabian desert; a TV ad shows a Range Rover doing it in 10 hours the "Empty Quarter" (or the Rub' al Khali)

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