Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3375, aired 1999-04-16BOBs & JEFFs $200: He sang "Thanks for the Memory" in his first feature film, "The Big Broadcast of 1938" Bob Hope
#3375, aired 1999-04-16BOBs & JEFFs $400: He's the K in DreamWorks SKG Jeffrey Katzenberg
#3375, aired 1999-04-16BOBs & JEFFs $600: His engaging performance in "The Last Picture Show" earned him a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination Jeff Bridges
#3375, aired 1999-04-16BOBs & JEFFs $1000: For his work on behalf of African famine victims, the Queen knighted this lead singer of the Boomtown Rats in 1986 Bob Geldof
#3375, aired 1999-04-16BOBs & JEFFs $1,500 (Daily Double): 1979's "Gotta Serve Somebody" was this Minnesotan's last Top 40 single Bob Dylan

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