Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6215, aired 2011-09-30BLUE RAYS $400: The sky is blue because blue light is most readily scattered from sunlight, being down at the short end of this the spectrum
#6215, aired 2011-09-30BLUE RAYS $1200: In electronics, a blue gun isn't a weapon but part of this in TV sets, also called the picture tube a cathode ray tube
#6215, aired 2011-09-30BLUE RAYS $1600: A type of bioluminescence, the blue glow of sea creatures like plankton is called this, also ending in -escence phosphorescence
#6215, aired 2011-09-30BLUE RAYS $2000: Blue light can worsen this type of degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in Americans over 55 macular degeneration
#6215, aired 2011-09-30BLUE RAYS $10,800 (Daily Double): The blue light in the pools of water in these power facilities is called Cerenkov radiation nuclear power plants

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