Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5305, aired 2007-10-05BLACK IS BACK $400: The ancient Greeks called this geographical feature Pontos Axeinos, Axeinos meaning "inhospitable" the Black Sea
#5305, aired 2007-10-05BLACK IS BACK $800: The "Black Spot" is a dreaded summons handed out by pirates in this 1883 Robert Louis Stevenson tale Treasure Island
#5305, aired 2007-10-05BLACK IS BACK $1200: Seen here, it's considered one of the world's deadliest creatures the black mamba
#5305, aired 2007-10-05BLACK IS BACK $1600: The 1840 Penny Black was the first official one of these a postage stamp
#5305, aired 2007-10-05BLACK IS BACK $2000: Known as the "Black Prince", he died before he could become king himself, but he did father Richard II Edward

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