Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (19 results returned)

#6731, aired 2013-12-16BITTER $400: Maror is Hebrew for the bitter herb eaten at the Seder meal on this Jewish holiday Passover
#6731, aired 2013-12-16BITTER $800: A bittersweet cherry liqueur is called this, the same as a specially treated cherry a maraschino
#6731, aired 2013-12-16BITTER $1200: The name of this green veggie precedes "rabe" in the name of a bitter green veggie broccoli
#6731, aired 2013-12-16BITTER $2000: Back in 1824 a German doctor formulated what is now this brand of aromatic bitters Angostura
#6731, aired 2013-12-16BITTER $3,000 (Daily Double): This bitter green liqueur is distilled from alcohol infused with wormwood absinthe
#6110, aired 2011-03-18A BITTER / SWEET SYMPHONY $200: Totally sweet! Tartarian & Bing are sweet types of this fruit cherries
#6110, aired 2011-03-18A BITTER / SWEET SYMPHONY $400: The color of this sweet liquid is determined by the source of the nectar honey
#6110, aired 2011-03-18A BITTER / SWEET SYMPHONY $800: Plain, bitter or unsweetened this contains about 50% cocoa butter & if stored properly, will keep for years chocolate
#6110, aired 2011-03-18A BITTER / SWEET SYMPHONY $1000: Despite its name, "bitter" this doesn't taste like a casaba; it's a side dish in Asian cuisine melon
#4431, aired 2003-12-08BE BITTER $400: In a popular tongue twister, it's what Betty bought that was bitter batter
#4431, aired 2003-12-08BE BITTER $800 (Daily Double): The Clue Crew demo of prussic acid ended before it began when they smelled this distinct odor (bitter) almonds
#4431, aired 2003-12-08BE BITTER $800: An Army doctor stationed at this village in Venezuela invented a type of bitters now found in bars worldwide Angostura
#4431, aired 2003-12-08BE BITTER $1600: This phrase used since the 1500s refers to something unpleasant to accept "a bitter pill to swallow"
#4431, aired 2003-12-08BE BITTER $2000: The last clue in the category, it's something to "hold out to" the bitter end
#2823, aired 1996-12-04BITTER BATTLES $100: The Confederate victory at Chancellorsville paved the way for this early July 1863 Pennsylvania battle Gettysburg
#2823, aired 1996-12-04BITTER BATTLES $200: The 1824 battle of Ayacucho marked the end of this European country's power in South America Spain
#2823, aired 1996-12-04BITTER BATTLES $300: The Battle of Austerlitz, one of his greatest victories, is sometimes called the Battle of the Three Emperors Napoleon
#2823, aired 1996-12-04BITTER BATTLES $400: The Battle of the Argonne during this war was part of a general offensive against the Hindenburg line World War I
#2823, aired 1996-12-04BITTER BATTLES $500: The recapture of Antwerp was a goal of this 1944-45 battle, Germany's last great offensive in the West Battle of the Bulge

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