Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4061, aired 2002-04-08BIRD PEOPLE $200: All she wanted to do was "have some fun" so she quit teaching music & became a rock star Sheryl Crow
#4061, aired 2002-04-08BIRD PEOPLE $400: She played the loud & brassy Carla Tortelli on "Cheers" Rhea Perlman
#4061, aired 2002-04-08BIRD PEOPLE $600: While dead of St. Patrick's cathedral in Dublin, he wrote "Gulliver's Travels" (Jonathan) Swift
#4061, aired 2002-04-08BIRD PEOPLE $800: For his work in "Network", he became the first actor to win an Oscar posthumously (Peter) Finch
#4061, aired 2002-04-08BIRD PEOPLE $1,200 (Daily Double): "If you seek his monument, look about you" at St. Paul's cathedral; if you seek his tomb, it's there too Sir Christopher Wren

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