Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (4 results returned)

#5976, aired 2010-09-13BILL CLINTON & THE CLINTON FOUNDATION $400: (Ex-President Clinton gives the clue.) My foundation & pharmaceutical companies negotiated price reductions in antiretroviral drugs as part of an initiative to combat this pandemic HIV (or AIDS)
#5976, aired 2010-09-13BILL CLINTON & THE CLINTON FOUNDATION $800: (Alex: Mr President?) My climate initiative brings together partners to make energy-saving retrofits to existing buildings, including this iconic skyscraper at 34th & 5th Avenue the Empire State Building
#5976, aired 2010-09-13BILL CLINTON & THE CLINTON FOUNDATION $1200: (Ex-President Clinton gives the clue.) Working with the American Heart Association, my foundation created an alliance to combat childhood obesity, which can lead to health problems like Type 2 this diabetes
#5976, aired 2010-09-13BILL CLINTON & THE CLINTON FOUNDATION $1600: (Ex-President Clinton gives the clue.) The Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting convenes leaders from all sectors to devise & implement innovative solutions; one event at this meeting is the Clinton Global Citizen Awards for leadership in various fields, including this one of charitable giving philanthropy

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