Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3862, aired 2001-05-22BIG APPLE SAUCE $200: To convince New Yorkers it was safe, this impresario led 21 elephants across the Brooklyn Bridge in 1883 P.T. Barnum
#3862, aired 2001-05-22BIG APPLE SAUCE $400: This "diabolical" area of Manhattan stretches from Eighth Avenue to the Hudson River Hell's Kitchen
#3862, aired 2001-05-22BIG APPLE SAUCE $600: In 1997 an expressway between Queens & Brooklyn was renamed to honor this pioneering baseball player Jackie Robinson
#3862, aired 2001-05-22BIG APPLE SAUCE $800: This island houses the inmates & staff of the New York City jail Rikers Island
#3862, aired 2001-05-22BIG APPLE SAUCE $2,500 (Daily Double): A statue of this Italian national hero of the 19th century is in NYC's Washington Square Park Giuseppe Garibaldi

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