Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#28, aired 2025-01-15BEVERAGE BRAND BACKSTORY $100: Launched in Austria in 1987, this energy drink brand celebrated "37 years of giving wiiings" in 2024 Red Bull
#28, aired 2025-01-15BEVERAGE BRAND BACKSTORY $200: Soon after it was honored at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, Pabst Best Select changed its name to this Pabst Blue Ribbon
#28, aired 2025-01-15BEVERAGE BRAND BACKSTORY $300: Don Vultaggio first named his iced tea brand Santa Fe before changing it to this name, a state that borders New Mexico AriZona tea
#28, aired 2025-01-15BEVERAGE BRAND BACKSTORY $400: The name of the beverage company SoBe, as sunbathers in Miami can tell you, is a shortening of this locale South Beach
#28, aired 2025-01-15BEVERAGE BRAND BACKSTORY $500 (Daily Double): Knowing how to get a customer's attention, a New Jersey man in the 1920s gave his chocolate drink brand this name Yoo-hoo

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