Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7733, aired 2018-04-04BETTING AT THE TRACK $200: You should know this alliterative wager in which you select the winners in 2 consecutive races a daily double
#7733, aired 2018-04-04BETTING AT THE TRACK $400: If you make this bet, as opposed to win or place, you win if your horse comes in first, second or third show
#7733, aired 2018-04-04BETTING AT THE TRACK $600: This 2-word term denotes a horse with little chance to win; its posted odds can run as high as 99-1 a long shot
#7733, aired 2018-04-04BETTING AT THE TRACK $800: Your bet may move to the favorite if you've bet on a horse that's pulled out of a race before it starts, this action scratched
#7733, aired 2018-04-04BETTING AT THE TRACK $1000: In horse racing you don't bet against the house; bets are pooled & split among winners in this hyphenated betting system pari-mutuel

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