Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#3520, aired 1999-12-17 | BEING PUNCTUAL $100: In abbreviations of 3 or more capital letters, like NCAA, these marks are often omitted Periods |
#3520, aired 1999-12-17 | BEING PUNCTUAL $200: Shorter than a dash, it came between the Angles & Saxons Hyphen |
#3520, aired 1999-12-17 | BEING PUNCTUAL $300: 3-letter word commonly replaced in a sentence by a semicolon And |
#3520, aired 1999-12-17 | BEING PUNCTUAL $500: If 1 of these takes 3 paragraphs, the marks go at the start of each paragraph & at the end of only the third Quotation |
#3520, aired 1999-12-17 | BEING PUNCTUAL $600 (Daily Double): It turned the 46th state into the title of a musical an exclamation point |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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