Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5676, aired 2009-04-20BEHIND THE SEUSS-IC $200: With talk of "Dick and Jane" books being too boring for kids to learn, Seuss delivered this purr-fect big seller in 1957 The Cat in the Hat
#5676, aired 2009-04-20BEHIND THE SEUSS-IC $400: An editor bet that Seuss (would not) could not write a book using 50 words or less; the result was this story Green Eggs and Ham
#5676, aired 2009-04-20BEHIND THE SEUSS-IC $600: No character had ever burped in a children's book before, so the one in this Seuss tale caused quite a "shell" shock Yertle the Turtle
#5676, aired 2009-04-20BEHIND THE SEUSS-IC $1000: Some libraries took this book with the Yooks & Zooks off the shelf for its references to the Cold War The Butter Battle Book
#5676, aired 2009-04-20BEHIND THE SEUSS-IC $1,500 (Daily Double): This book sells about 300,000 copies each year because so many people give it to college & high school graduates Oh, the Places You'll Go!

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