Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5531, aired 2008-09-29BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE 2008 OLYMPICS $400: This nickname for one of the main venues evokes a Chinese soup the Bird's Nest
#5531, aired 2008-09-29BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE 2008 OLYMPICS $800: Well-known on multiple continents, he was the flag-bearer of the host country Yao Ming
#5531, aired 2008-09-29BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE 2008 OLYMPICS $1200: A popular side trip was to the Beijing Zoo to see these animals, Ailuropoda melanoleuca pandas
#5531, aired 2008-09-29BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE 2008 OLYMPICS $1600: A journalist for ITN was detained & manhandled for covering a "pro-" this region protest held early in the Olympics Tibet
#5531, aired 2008-09-29BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE 2008 OLYMPICS $2000: The Olympic torch relay passed though this province, epicenter of a 7.9 earthquake in May Szechuan

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