Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#8576, aired 2022-02-14 | BEHIND THE OLD TESTAMENT NAME $400: Appropriately, his name means "man" or "man of the red earth" Adam |
#8576, aired 2022-02-14 | BEHIND THE OLD TESTAMENT NAME $800: "Oh" this name, "don't you cry for me", it comes from a word meaning "lily" Susanna |
#8576, aired 2022-02-14 | BEHIND THE OLD TESTAMENT NAME $1600: Here's the buzz--the name of this prophetess who appears in Judges comes from the Hebrew for "bee" Deborah |
#8576, aired 2022-02-14 | BEHIND THE OLD TESTAMENT NAME $2000: This son, this son of David had a name meaning "father of peace" Absalom |
#8576, aired 2022-02-14 | BEHIND THE OLD TESTAMENT NAME $5,000 (Daily Double): This youngest son of Jacob had a name meaning "son of my right hand" Benjamin |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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