Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8087, aired 2019-11-05BEFORE & LAUGHTER $200: The courtroom spot where you testify becomes a kind of onstage funnyman the witness stand-up comic
#8087, aired 2019-11-05BEFORE & LAUGHTER $400: Single-sentence joke that's also explanatory commentary on the inside of albums a one-liner note
#8087, aired 2019-11-05BEFORE & LAUGHTER $600: Lead singer of Duran Duran who is also a French term for a witticism Simon Le Bon mot
#8087, aired 2019-11-05BEFORE & LAUGHTER $800: Biblical first man's donation to make his mate that ultimately turns into a term for a joke Adam's rib tickler (Adam's ribbing)
#8087, aired 2019-11-05BEFORE & LAUGHTER $1000: Candy-coated popcorn & peanuts that has some amusing "Deep Thoughts" on "Saturday Night Live" Cracker Jack Handeys

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