Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#2283, aired 1994-07-06 | BEAUTY SECRETS OF THE PAST $100: Peasant women once reddened their cheeks with the juice of this borscht ingredient beets |
#2283, aired 1994-07-06 | BEAUTY SECRETS OF THE PAST $200: Ancient Egyptians outlined these facial features with a cosmetic made from ground ants' eggs the eyes |
#2283, aired 1994-07-06 | BEAUTY SECRETS OF THE PAST $300: These small decorative items often hid or drew attention away from smallpox scars on the face beauty spots (patches) |
#2283, aired 1994-07-06 | BEAUTY SECRETS OF THE PAST $400: Ceruse, a skin whitener, was dangerous because it was made from this soft metallic element lead |
#2283, aired 1994-07-06 | BEAUTY SECRETS OF THE PAST $500: For centuries women have tinted their nails with this orange-red dye made from leaves Henna |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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