Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#7285, aired 2016-04-22 | BEASTS IN THE BIBLE $400: Proverbs warns that mocking your parents will result in these crowlike birds pecking out your eyes ravens |
#7285, aired 2016-04-22 | BEASTS IN THE BIBLE $800: Of the 4 creatures God sent as plagues upon the Egyptians, the one that isn't an insect frogs |
#7285, aired 2016-04-22 | BEASTS IN THE BIBLE $1200: In Genesis 32 this man gives his angry brother goats, camels & donkeys in an attempt to calm him Jacob |
#7285, aired 2016-04-22 | BEASTS IN THE BIBLE $2,000 (Daily Double): In Mark 16 Jesus tells his followers that they will be able to handle these deadly animals without fear snakes |
#7285, aired 2016-04-22 | BEASTS IN THE BIBLE $2000: This man is repaid for his faith when God gives him 14,000 sheep & 1,000 oxen Job |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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