Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8643, aired 2022-05-18BEASTLY BOOK CHARACTERS $200: Polynesia is the parrot who teaches this title character how to talk to the animals Doctor Dolittle
#8643, aired 2022-05-18BEASTLY BOOK CHARACTERS $400: In "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow", this easily frightened man rode a horse named Gunpowder Ichabod Crane
#8643, aired 2022-05-18BEASTLY BOOK CHARACTERS $600: Walt Morey wrote about this "Gentle" brown bear befriended by a young boy Gentle Ben
#8643, aired 2022-05-18BEASTLY BOOK CHARACTERS $800: Martin the Warrior in the "Redwall" fantasy series is a heroic one of these rodents a mouse
#8643, aired 2022-05-18BEASTLY BOOK CHARACTERS $1,000 (Daily Double): This rabbit relative character shows up at a party in "Alice in Wonderland" & dips his watch into his tea the March Hare

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