Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8638, aired 2022-05-11BEASTLY ART $400: Not many of the great Claude Monet's works can be called these, but that's the title of the one seen here Turkeys
#8638, aired 2022-05-11BEASTLY ART $800: A 1613 painting by Jan Brueghel the Elder, depicts animals preparing for entry into this conveyance Noah's Ark
#8638, aired 2022-05-11BEASTLY ART $1200: Jacques-Louis David painted Napoleon astride his horse crossing these mountains the Alps
#8638, aired 2022-05-11BEASTLY ART $1600: The job of watching sheep is more famous, but this guy who watches cattle gets title billing in the Dutch work seen here a cow herder
#8638, aired 2022-05-11BEASTLY ART $2000: Destroyed during World War II, "Garden Path with Hens" was by this Austrian artist who died during World War I Klimt
#6504, aired 2012-12-20BEASTLY ART $400: It's the feline seen here with Alice in John Tenniel's illustration the Cheshire Cat
#6504, aired 2012-12-20BEASTLY ART $800: In the 1290s, Giotto depicted this religious figure preaching to the birds Francis of Assisi
#6504, aired 2012-12-20BEASTLY ART $1200: John James Audubon's depiction of this bird is seen here blue heron
#6504, aired 2012-12-20BEASTLY ART $1600: In the 1970s, this late celebrity artist gave us the cow seen here Andy Warhol
#6504, aired 2012-12-20BEASTLY ART $2000: The paper cutout of a bird from the 1940s is by this Frenchman who was once part of a beastly group Henri Matisse

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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