Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5234, aired 2007-05-17BEANY $200: Azuki beans are most popular in this Asian country, where they're used to make confections like yokan Japan
#5234, aired 2007-05-17BEANY $400: Ronald Reagan's Presidential library boasts an unusual portrait of Reagan made from 10,000 of these beans jelly beans
#5234, aired 2007-05-17BEANY $600: "Noisy" name for a crisp bean pod easily broken into pieces for cooking snap beans
#5234, aired 2007-05-17BEANY $800: Many popular gourmet types of this are made from freshly roasted Arabica beans coffee
#5234, aired 2007-05-17BEANY $1000: McCormick says that its pure extract made from these beans has an unlimited shelf life vanilla

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