Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#7772, aired 2018-05-29 | BAND MATES $400: This woman joined the Miami Sound Machine in 1975 & 3 years later married its founder Gloria Estefan |
#7772, aired 2018-05-29 | BAND MATES $800: Regine Chassagne & husband Win Butler had a hit with "Everything Now" for this Canadian band the Arcade Fire |
#7772, aired 2018-05-29 | BAND MATES $1200: This singer had a child with fellow Jefferson Airplane member Paul Kantner Grace Slick |
#7772, aired 2018-05-29 | BAND MATES $1600: Christine Perfect married John McVie in 1968 & soon joined him in this, one of the biggest bands of the '70s Fleetwood Mac |
#7772, aired 2018-05-29 | BAND MATES $2000: Now no longer married or as young, Kim Gordon & Thurston Moore started this band together Sonic Youth |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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