Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (14 results returned)

#6647, aired 2013-07-09LITERARY BAD GUYS $400: Sherlock Holmes describes him as "one of the great brains of the century" Professor Moriarty
#6647, aired 2013-07-09LITERARY BAD GUYS $1200: He vows to turn Desdemona's "virtue into pitch, and out of her own goodness make the net that shall enmesh them all" Iago
#6647, aired 2013-07-09LITERARY BAD GUYS $1600: This "Heart of Darkness" villain lived in the jungles of Africa, where he controlled the ivory trade Mister Kurtz
#6647, aired 2013-07-09LITERARY BAD GUYS $2000: Claggart is the evil sailor who accuses this Herman Melville character of plotting mutiny Billy Budd
#5885, aired 2010-03-26GOOD BAD GUYS ON TV $200: Homer Simpson: "You're the richest guy I know"; this man: "Yes, but I'd trade it all for a little more" (Montgomery) Burns
#5885, aired 2010-03-26GOOD BAD GUYS ON TV $400: Played by Carlos Bernard, Tony Almeida was good, then bad, then good, then really bad on this Fox drama 24
#5885, aired 2010-03-26GOOD BAD GUYS ON TV $600: In 1997 James Marsters rocked a Billy Idol look as Spike, a bloodsucker on this show Buffy the Vampire Slayer
#5885, aired 2010-03-26GOOD BAD GUYS ON TV $800: The Showtime website for this title character calls him "America's favorite serial killer" Dexter
#5885, aired 2010-03-26GOOD BAD GUYS ON TV $1000: J.K. Simmons just plain scared the heck out of us as Vern, prisoner 92S110 on this HBO drama Oz
#5882, aired 2010-03-23BAD GUYS $400: In "Scarface", this actor terrorized Miami as the coke-fueled crime lord Tony Montana Al Pacino
#5882, aired 2010-03-23BAD GUYS $800: Forget Hannibal Lecter; Buffalo Bill is the bad guy who keeps his victims in a pit in this movie The Silence of the Lambs
#5882, aired 2010-03-23BAD GUYS $1200: This character is the crazy, relentless killer in the "Halloween" movies Michael Myers
#5882, aired 2010-03-23BAD GUYS $1600: Jack Torrance is the writer & axeman who goes mad at an off-season hotel in this 1980 film The Shining
#5882, aired 2010-03-23BAD GUYS $2000: Robert De Niro & Robert Mitchum both played Max Cady, out to get revenge in the 2 versions of this film Cape Fear

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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