Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5760, aired 2009-10-02BACK IN MY ARMS AGAIN $400: This actress & Don Johnson were wed in 1976, divorced in 1977, remarried in 1989 & split for good 7 years later Melanie Griffith
#5760, aired 2009-10-02BACK IN MY ARMS AGAIN $800: Nicollette Sheridan & this singer, an item for 5 years in the '90s, reunited in 2005... for a while Michael Bolton
#5760, aired 2009-10-02BACK IN MY ARMS AGAIN $1200: She & Robert Wagner got married in 1972, 15 years after their first try Natalie Wood
#5760, aired 2009-10-02BACK IN MY ARMS AGAIN $1600: Sophia Loren & this producer had their 1st marriage annulled under pressure; their 2nd lasted 'til death did them part Carlo Ponti
#5760, aired 2009-10-02BACK IN MY ARMS AGAIN $2000: Rent asunder in 2006, playmate Shanna Moakler & this Blink-182 drummer reunited after his 2008 plane crash (Travis) Barker

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