Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (20 results returned)

#8916, aired 2023-07-17I'LL "B" THERE $400: The third-largest island in the world, it touches the Java, Sulu & South China Seas Borneo
#8916, aired 2023-07-17I'LL "B" THERE $800: A cement quarry near Sucre, judicial capital of this country, is the site of numerous dinosaur tracks Bolivia
#8916, aired 2023-07-17I'LL "B" THERE $1200: A 470-mile parkway linking Shenandoah & Great Smoky Mountains National Parks is named for these mountains Blue Ridge
#8916, aired 2023-07-17I'LL "B" THERE $1600: This 215-mile-long Australian river shares a name with the capital of Queensland Brisbane
#8916, aired 2023-07-17I'LL "B" THERE $2,200 (Daily Double): Though the majority of this country's population is Hutu, the Tutsi minority has historically held power there Burundi
#7021, aired 2015-03-09THERE B 3 "B"s $400: To fumble a baseball in an erroneous fashion bobble
#7021, aired 2015-03-09THERE B 3 "B"s $1,200 (Daily Double): Deeply religious area of the South & Midwest the Bible Belt
#7021, aired 2015-03-09THERE B 3 "B"s $1200: Trying to talk while crying blubbering
#7021, aired 2015-03-09THERE B 3 "B"s $1600: From what happens to the tires, it's a 2-word slang term meaning to stomp on the gas burn rubber
#7021, aired 2015-03-09THERE B 3 "B"s $2000: Fashion-conscious adolescent teen girl of the 1940s a bobby soxer
#4103, aired 2002-06-05"B" THERE $200: Ocean City, Maryland is a favorite summer destination for the 650,000 people of this city Baltimore
#4103, aired 2002-06-05"B" THERE $400: The Canadian Football League's Lions play in Vancouver but represent this entire province British Columbia
#4103, aired 2002-06-05"B" THERE $600: It's the country immediately due south of Guyana Brazil
#4103, aired 2002-06-05"B" THERE $800: On Oct. 12, 1492 Columbus reached these islands; he marveled at the colorful fish the Bahamas
#4103, aired 2002-06-05"B" THERE $1000: As its name suggests, this section of the Alps was once controlled by the capital of Switzerland the Bernese Alps
#855, aired 1988-04-29"B" THERE $100: Pronounced one way, it's a table from which guests serve themselves, the other, it means to hit buffet
#855, aired 1988-04-29"B" THERE $200: A built-in bed on a train, or a place for a boat to park berth
#855, aired 1988-04-29"B" THERE $300: The L.A. Times reported Michael Jackson had 46 of these on the outfit he wore in the "Bad" video buckles
#855, aired 1988-04-29"B" THERE $400: It means impudent or bold, or simply something made of brass brassy (brazen)
#855, aired 1988-04-29"B" THERE $500: In 1907, Gelett Burgess coined this word for a brief commendatory notice like on a book jacket blurb

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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