Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (20 results returned)

#5466, aired 2008-05-19"B" SHARP $400: Sepia & mahogany are tones of this color brown
#5466, aired 2008-05-19"B" SHARP $800: A joke says that when you play country music this way, your wife, your dog & your car return backwards
#5466, aired 2008-05-19"B" SHARP $1200: From the Italian for "jest", it's a clown or a fool a buffoon
#5466, aired 2008-05-19"B" SHARP $1600: The Battle of Bunker Hill actually took place on this adjacent hill Breed's Hill
#5466, aired 2008-05-19"B" SHARP $2000: "Diglot" is a synonym for this adjective that describes a certain ability bilingual
#5405, aired 2008-02-22"B" SHARP $400: Snoopy's breed a beagle
#5405, aired 2008-02-22"B" SHARP $800: A type of unglazed china, or a thick cream soup often made with lobster bisque
#5405, aired 2008-02-22"B" SHARP $1200: This hero rode Pegasus Bellerophon
#5405, aired 2008-02-22"B" SHARP $2000: Gaborone is the capital of this southern African country Botswana
#5405, aired 2008-02-22"B" SHARP $3,000 (Daily Double): This ethnic group lives in the Pyrenees & speaks Euskera the Basques
#4092, aired 2002-05-21"B" SHARP $400: Sepia & mahogany are tones of this color brown
#4092, aired 2002-05-21"B" SHARP $800: A joke says that when you play country music this way, your wife, your dog & your car return backwards
#4092, aired 2002-05-21"B" SHARP $1600: "To jump" this household item means to get married the broom
#4092, aired 2002-05-21"B" SHARP $2000: Last name of Edwin, C. Harold Smith's cousin & partner in the Crayola biz Binney
#4092, aired 2002-05-21"B" SHARP $2,200 (Daily Double): From the Italian for "jest", it's a clown or a fool a buffoon
#3831, aired 2001-04-09"B" SHARP $200: Snoopy's breed beagle
#3831, aired 2001-04-09"B" SHARP $400: His Top 10 hits include "Rainy Night In Georgia" & the duet "Baby (You Got What It Takes)" with Dinah Washington Brook Benton
#3831, aired 2001-04-09"B" SHARP $600: This hero rode Pegasus Bellerophon
#3831, aired 2001-04-09"B" SHARP $800: David Bowie played Andy Warhol in the 1996 movie about this graffiti artist Jean-Michel Basquiat
#3831, aired 2001-04-09"B" SHARP $900 (Daily Double): Gaborone is the capital of this southern African country Botswana

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