Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9250, aired 2025-01-17"B" PICTURES $200: Pieter Bruegel the Elder's "The Census at" this little biblical town was one of the first landscapes to feature snow Bethlehem
#9250, aired 2025-01-17"B" PICTURES $400: Zephyrus & a nymph attend the goddess as she emerges from the sea & lands in Cyprus in this Botticelli masterpiece The Birth of Venus
#9250, aired 2025-01-17"B" PICTURES $600: The Velázquez masterwork seen here is known as "The Feast of" this Roman deity Bacchus
#9250, aired 2025-01-17"B" PICTURES $800: Piet Mondrian evoked the vibrancy of New York & bluesy music in his abstract 1940s piece titled "Broadway" this rhyming music genre boogie-woogie
#9250, aired 2025-01-17"B" PICTURES $1000: A masterpiece by Cézanne is titled not "Swimmers" but these The Bathers

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