Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5530, aired 2008-09-26B FOLLOWS A $200: In a Harry Potter novel, Sirius Black is a convicted murderer who escapes from this island prison in the North Sea Azkaban
#5530, aired 2008-09-26B FOLLOWS A $400: Meaning loathsome, it precedes snowman or, in a movie title, Dr. Phibes abominable
#5530, aired 2008-09-26B FOLLOWS A $600: As a noun, it's a mop used to clean a ship's deck; as a verb, it's what you do with the mop swab
#5530, aired 2008-09-26B FOLLOWS A $800: It's an outline of what material will be covered in a college course a syllabus
#5530, aired 2008-09-26B FOLLOWS A $1000: These 1st & 2nd century B.C. Jewish patriots were active in liberating Judea from Syrian rule the Maccabees

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