Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (8 results returned)

#8184, aired 2020-03-19AUTHORS' OTHER JOBS $400: A portrait of James Joyce as a young man included opening this city's first movie theater, the Volta Dublin
#8184, aired 2020-03-19AUTHORS' OTHER JOBS $2000: Early jobs for this "Hitchhiker's Guide" author include bodyguard, chicken shed cleaner & script editor for "Doctor Who" (Douglas) Adams
#8184, aired 2020-03-19AUTHORS' OTHER JOBS $2,600 (Daily Double): Like Doc Holliday, Zane Grey was trained as one of these professionals a dentist
#7449, aired 2017-01-19AUTHORS' OTHER JOBS $400: Mark Twain got the idea for his pen name from his time in this job a steamboat pilot
#7449, aired 2017-01-19AUTHORS' OTHER JOBS $800: He designed pencils at his father's factory, then used them to write "Walden" Thoreau
#7449, aired 2017-01-19AUTHORS' OTHER JOBS $1200: Aristotle & Casanova both held this job AKA a bibliothecary a librarian
#7449, aired 2017-01-19AUTHORS' OTHER JOBS $1600: This job didn't bug William S. Burroughs; he wrote a story about it in which a boss eats the arsenic for fun an exterminator
#7449, aired 2017-01-19AUTHORS' OTHER JOBS $2000: He got to know tangled bureaucracy working for the Bohemian government's Worker's Comp Bureau (Franz) Kafka

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