Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#3625, aired 2000-05-12 | ATALANTA $100: Atalanta was the daughter of Iasus, king of Arcadia, on this peninsula that was also home to Sparta Peloponnesus |
#3625, aired 2000-05-12 | ATALANTA $200: Left to die in the wild by her dad, who didn't want a girl, she was suckled by one of these ursine creatures Bear |
#3625, aired 2000-05-12 | ATALANTA $300: To marry Atalanta, a suitor had to beat her in one of these competitions Footrace |
#3625, aired 2000-05-12 | ATALANTA $400: After being the first to wound the Calydonian, one of these wild tusked creatures, Atalanta was awarded its hide Boar |
#3625, aired 2000-05-12 | ATALANTA $500: This Greek goddess of the hunt took an interest in Atalanta, who grew up to be a great hunter Artemis |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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