Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9231, aired 2024-12-23AT THE PET STORE $200: In the 1940s Ed Lowe wrote these 2 words on 10 bags of granulated clay to sell to cat owners; now they sell bags at pet stores kitty litter
#9231, aired 2024-12-23AT THE PET STORE $400: At least twice as wide as the wingspan is a rule of thumb if you're buying one of these a birdcage
#9231, aired 2024-12-23AT THE PET STORE $600: You can get the smaller members of this lizard family at a pet store but its largest member, the Komodo dragon, is illegal to sell a monitor
#9231, aired 2024-12-23AT THE PET STORE $800: Add another "T" to the second letter of the Greek alphabet to get the name of this fish that's ubiquitous at pet stores a betta fish
#9231, aired 2024-12-23AT THE PET STORE $1000: A golden or robo type of this animal would work out great on a wheel with a Niteangel pedometer to track its steps a hamster

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