Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#6067, aired 2011-01-18"Y" ASK $200: In parts of Asia these pack animals are known as hairy cattle yaks
#6067, aired 2011-01-18"Y" ASK $400: It's a Germanic language with a mixture of Hebrew vocabulary Yiddish
#6067, aired 2011-01-18"Y" ASK $600: Author Bill Malone said Roy Rogers was "about the best" one of these Alpine singers "that we've ever had" a yodeler
#6067, aired 2011-01-18"Y" ASK $800: This country name proclaimed by King Alexander in 1929 fell off the map in 2003 Yugoslavia
#6067, aired 2011-01-18"Y" ASK $1000: Originally a word for lamentation, it means whining complaint; will you please quit yours! yammering
#5080, aired 2006-10-13ASK "Y" $200: In the U.S. this street sign is in the form of an equilateral triangle yield
#5080, aired 2006-10-13ASK "Y" $400: 4-letter name of the subcompact automobile produced by Serbian manufacturer Zastava Yugo
#5080, aired 2006-10-13ASK "Y" $600: This American university celebrated its tercentennial in 2001 Yale
#5080, aired 2006-10-13ASK "Y" $800: In 1986 Sarah Ferguson became the Duchess of it York
#5080, aired 2006-10-13ASK "Y" $1000: As head of this Internet company, Terry Semel has made more than $230 million in only 4 years Yahoo!

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