Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#6728, aired 2013-12-11WORDS IN ASIAN COUNTRIES $400: A bad review in Osaka a pan (in Japan)
#6728, aired 2013-12-11WORDS IN ASIAN COUNTRIES $800: A friend in Kathmandu a pal (in Nepal)
#6728, aired 2013-12-11WORDS IN ASIAN COUNTRIES $1200: An open space in Dhaka's forest a glade (in Bangladesh)
#6728, aired 2013-12-11WORDS IN ASIAN COUNTRIES $1600: Precipitation in Bangkok hail (in Thailand)
#6728, aired 2013-12-11WORDS IN ASIAN COUNTRIES $2000: A simple roofed shelter in Thimphu a hut (in Bhutan)
#5365, aired 2007-12-28ASIAN COUNTRIES $200: The DMZ between these 2 Asian nations extends 1.2 miles on each side of the 38th parallel North & South Korea
#5365, aired 2007-12-28ASIAN COUNTRIES $400: The world's largest blue coral reef is one of the natural treasures of this country's Ishigaki Island Japan
#5365, aired 2007-12-28ASIAN COUNTRIES $600: In November 1976 the U.S. vetoed this reunited country's admission to the U.N. Vietnam
#5365, aired 2007-12-28ASIAN COUNTRIES $800: Its natives call it Zhongguo, "central country" China
#5365, aired 2007-12-28ASIAN COUNTRIES $1000: The former Asian monarch seen here reigned in this country until 2004, when he turned the throne over to his son Cambodia

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