Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#8876, aired 2023-05-22 | ART IMITATING LIFE $200: German artist Max Beckmann produced a contemporary painting of this tragedy the sinking of the Titanic |
#8876, aired 2023-05-22 | ART IMITATING LIFE $400: This historical work depicts the December 25, 1776 prelude to an attack on some Hessians in Trenton Washington Crossing the Delaware |
#8876, aired 2023-05-22 | ART IMITATING LIFE $800: A patron himself, Toulouse-Lautrec often painted this bawdy establishment, "red windmill" in French Moulin Rouge |
#8876, aired 2023-05-22 | ART IMITATING LIFE $1000: This sculptor & painter of Western life took on Yankee football with the 1890 painting "Touchdown Yale vs. Princeton" Frederic Remington |
#8876, aired 2023-05-22 | ART IMITATING LIFE $2,800 (Daily Double): Jan Willem Pieneman's painting of this 1815 event was to go to the Duke of Wellington, but stayed in Holland the Battle of Waterloo |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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