Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (30 results returned)

#8619, aired 2022-04-14ART, OF WAR $200: In "Exodus of Confederates from Atlanta", Kara Walker adds silhouettes to illustrations of this war the Civil War
#8619, aired 2022-04-14ART, OF WAR $400: One of his greatest & largest paintings was inspired by a newspaper article on the bombing of Guernica Picasso
#8619, aired 2022-04-14ART, OF WAR $600: The artwork here depicts this famous venture at the Battle of Balaclava the Charge of the Light Brigade
#8619, aired 2022-04-14ART, OF WAR $800: Miyamoto Saburo's painting of generals Yamashita & Percival & the British WWII surrender of this island was used as Japanese propaganda Singapore
#8619, aired 2022-04-14ART, OF WAR $1000: 2 black granite walls & a sculpture called "The Three Servicemen" are part of this Washington, D.C. memorial the Vietnam War Memorial
#7534, aired 2017-05-18THE ART OF WAR $200: The medieval embroidery seen here depicts the events & personalities of this invasion the Norman invasion of England (or Norman Conquest)
#7534, aired 2017-05-18THE ART OF WAR $400: Frederick Hart's sculpture in D.C. honors the soldiers of this war the Vietnam War
#7534, aired 2017-05-18THE ART OF WAR $600: Depicting an ambitious nighttime crossing, the 1851 canvas seen here is known by this 4-word title Washington Crossing the Delaware
#7534, aired 2017-05-18THE ART OF WAR $800: Tom Lea's World War II painting highlighting the problem of shell shock is titled "That 2,000 Yard" one of these a stare
#7534, aired 2017-05-18THE ART OF WAR $1000: This Spanish artist's "Third of May 1808" depicts the tragic fate of some who resisted Napoleon's occupation Goya
#6040, aired 2010-12-10THE WAR OF ART $400: The 1869 Civil War lithograph seen here details the last meeting of this general & Jackson (Robert E.) Lee
#6040, aired 2010-12-10THE WAR OF ART $800: Around 1492 he created the marble "Battle Of The Centaurs"; no ceiling on his genius! Michelangelo
#6040, aired 2010-12-10THE WAR OF ART $1200: This 17th c. Flemish man got mythical with "Minerva Protects Pax from Mars ('Peace and War')" Peter Paul Rubens
#6040, aired 2010-12-10THE WAR OF ART $2,000 (Daily Double): A dismembered hand clutching a sword in black & white is part of this 1937 work inspired by the bombing of a city Guernica
#6040, aired 2010-12-10THE WAR OF ART $2000: This man's 1799 portrait of Napoleon crossing the Alps is seen here Jacques-Louis David
#3933, aired 2001-10-10THE ART OF WAR $100: Far from Trenton, Emanuel Leutze probably used the Rhine as a model for his painting of "Washington Crossing" this the Delaware
#3933, aired 2001-10-10THE ART OF WAR $200: In 1899 E.S. Paxson completed his monumental painting of this June 1876 battle Little Bighorn
#3933, aired 2001-10-10THE ART OF WAR $400: Sir Richard Rezac's painting seen here shows a medical corpsman at this WWII landing site, far from Nebraska Omaha Beach
#3933, aired 2001-10-10THE ART OF WAR $500 (Daily Double): This attack during the Battle of Balaklava inspired a painting by Richard Caton Woodville & a poem by Tennyson the Charge of the Light Brigade
#3933, aired 2001-10-10THE ART OF WAR $500: Archibald Willard first planned to call his painting of 2 Revolutionary War drummers & a fife player "Yankee Doodle" "The Spirit of '76"
#3816, aired 2001-03-19THE ART OF WAR $100: "Returning Fire", a painting by Bill McGrath, depicts these 2 Civil War ironclads in battle Monitor & Merrimac
#3816, aired 2001-03-19THE ART OF WAR $200: It's the 1836 battle captured here by Kirk Stirnweis The Alamo
#3816, aired 2001-03-19THE ART OF WAR $300: Seen here, "Leave No One Behind", by Joe Klein, depicts a scene from this war Vietnam War
#3816, aired 2001-03-19THE ART OF WAR $400: The bombing of this Spanish city in 1937 inspired a famous painting by Picasso Guernica
#3816, aired 2001-03-19THE ART OF WAR $500: He's the Scottish king depicted here who defeated Edward II at Bannockburn in 1314 Robert the Bruce/1st
#3099, aired 1998-02-05THE ART OF WAR $100: It's a trademarked chemical tear gas, or a heavy club with a spiked metal knob Mace
#3099, aired 1998-02-05THE ART OF WAR $200: It's a nuclear power's capability of a preemptive attack, or one-third of an out in baseball First strike
#3099, aired 1998-02-05THE ART OF WAR $300: The B-29s that dropped atomic bombs on Japan were made by this Seattle-based company Boeing
#3099, aired 1998-02-05THE ART OF WAR $400: In the 1930s, France built this elaborate barrier as a permanent defense against German attack the Maginot Line
#3099, aired 1998-02-05THE ART OF WAR $500: Made by Raytheon, these antimissile missiles intercepted scuds in the Gulf War Patriot missiles

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