Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4838, aired 2005-09-28ARRESTING TELEVISION $200: "Just the facts..." You need more?! OK, this show aired in prime time on 3 different days but never on Fridays Dragnet
#4838, aired 2005-09-28ARRESTING TELEVISION $400: Gary Sinise dusts for DNA as Det. Mac Taylor on this Gotham-based whodunit CSI: New York
#4838, aired 2005-09-28ARRESTING TELEVISION $600: Sherry Stringfield practiced law on this "colorful" ABC cop show before getting her medical degree on "ER" NYPD Blue
#4838, aired 2005-09-28ARRESTING TELEVISION $800: Sgt. Esterhaus led roll call on this '80s drama & hey! Let's be careful out there Hill Street Blues
#4838, aired 2005-09-28ARRESTING TELEVISION $1000: After writing for "My Two Dads", Shawn Ryan did a serious 180 & created this Michael Chiklis cop show The Shield

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