Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9243, aired 2025-01-08 | AROUND THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE $400: Melbourne lies about 200 miles north of this devilish island Tasmania |
#9243, aired 2025-01-08 | AROUND THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE $800: Zanzibar sultan Khalid bin Barghash is one of the many exiles to reluctantly visit this remote South Atlantic isle Saint Helena |
#9243, aired 2025-01-08 | AROUND THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE $1200: Display your wisdom & name this sea that separates the same-named islands from New Guinea the Solomon Islands (Sea) |
#9243, aired 2025-01-08 | AROUND THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE $1600: This archipelago at the bottom of South America lends its name to a type of fox, the southernmost living canid Tierra del Fuego |
#9243, aired 2025-01-08 | AROUND THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE $2000: This former Portuguese colony lies between Namibia & the Democratic Republic of the Congo Angola |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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