Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#7615, aired 2017-10-20 | AROUND THE JEOPARDY! LIBRARY $200: We still browse Encyclopedia Britannica, last printed in 2010 & first printed in this U.K. country in 1768 Scotland |
#7615, aired 2017-10-20 | AROUND THE JEOPARDY! LIBRARY $400: We hope violating a commandment is not how we came to have a Bible from this group that provides them free to hotels Gideon |
#7615, aired 2017-10-20 | AROUND THE JEOPARDY! LIBRARY $600: The more than 6,000 entries in the "Food Lover's Companion" include this dish made by stirring hot stock into sauteed rice risotto |
#7615, aired 2017-10-20 | AROUND THE JEOPARDY! LIBRARY $800: "Veni, vidi, vici" is a quote from Caesar out of the 18th edition of this man's quotations, first published in 1855 (John) Bartlett |
#7615, aired 2017-10-20 | AROUND THE JEOPARDY! LIBRARY $1000: The latest World Almanac keeps us up on changes like this new name with no "Republic" for the land where Prague is located Czechia |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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