Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9239, aired 2025-01-02ANTONYMS: THE ANTI-SYNONYMS $400: You pronounce the G in malignant, but not in this happier medical antonym benign
#9239, aired 2025-01-02ANTONYMS: THE ANTI-SYNONYMS $800: To remain or maintain rather than doing this, like King Amadeus of Spain did in 1873 to abdicate
#9239, aired 2025-01-02ANTONYMS: THE ANTI-SYNONYMS $1200: Fertile is 180 degrees from this word the King James Bible uses about Rebekah & Elisabeth when childless barren
#9239, aired 2025-01-02ANTONYMS: THE ANTI-SYNONYMS $1600: To misunderstand is an antonym for this word, which I understand is also a unit of nautical measurement to fathom
#9239, aired 2025-01-02ANTONYMS: THE ANTI-SYNONYMS $2000: An "ant"onym of modern & fresh, it describes the time before the flood in the Bible antediluvian

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