Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9215, aired 2024-11-29ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES $200: If a purported rare 1943 copper one of these sticks to a magnet, it's likely a fake made from the common zinc-steel version pennies
#9215, aired 2024-11-29ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES $400: The records played at this rpm, the standard format from the early 1900s into the 1950s, were mostly made of shellac, not vinyl 78
#9215, aired 2024-11-29ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES $600: Gwen Stacy dies in issue 121 of this superhero's comic, & if you want to read an original, prepare to pay Spider-Man
#9215, aired 2024-11-29ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES $800: Some U.S. airmail stamps of the 1930s depicted these transatlantic craft & were for use only on the mail they carried zeppelin
#9215, aired 2024-11-29ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES $1000: We're not asking you to dance & strip, just to name the furniture style of this 1700s English cabinetmaker--OK, now dance & strip! Chippendale

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