Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#8845, aired 2023-04-07 | ANIMALISTIC WORDS $400: Meaning sly or crafty, vulpine also means resembling one of these animals a fox |
#8845, aired 2023-04-07 | ANIMALISTIC WORDS $800: Simian, meaning resembling one of these primates, comes from Simia, a name for an obsolete genus a monkey (ape) |
#8845, aired 2023-04-07 | ANIMALISTIC WORDS $1200: This word for a covering suspended over a bed comes from Greek konops, or mosquito, which it was meant to keep out canopy |
#8845, aired 2023-04-07 | ANIMALISTIC WORDS $1600: Now applied mostly to noses, this adjective means curved like the beak of an eagle aquiline |
#8845, aired 2023-04-07 | ANIMALISTIC WORDS $2000: Used to describe giraffes & big snakes, it means having net-like markings reticulated |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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