Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)
#5458, aired 2008-05-07 | ANIMAL HOUSE $200: These semi-aquatic rodents plaster their lodges with mud beavers |
#5458, aired 2008-05-07 | ANIMAL HOUSE $400: The army species of this insect has no permanent home; workers link legs to protect their queen ants |
#5458, aired 2008-05-07 | ANIMAL HOUSE $600: The swiftlets of Asia are in trouble because these structures are snatched to make soup nests |
#5458, aired 2008-05-07 | ANIMAL HOUSE $800: This "solitary" crustacean sometimes defends its shell home via sea anemones that hitch a ride a hermit crab |
#5458, aired 2008-05-07 | ANIMAL HOUSE $1000: Insert a hyphen in this 4-letter poultry dwelling & you get a human dwelling a coop (or co-op) |
#4045, aired 2002-03-15 | ANIMAL HOUSE $200: Kid, billy, nanny, herd goats |
#4045, aired 2002-03-15 | ANIMAL HOUSE $400: Poult, tom, hen, rafter turkey |
#4045, aired 2002-03-15 | ANIMAL HOUSE $600: Kit, reynard, vixen, skulk fox |
#4045, aired 2002-03-15 | ANIMAL HOUSE $800: Cygnet, cob, pen, whiteness swans |
#4045, aired 2002-03-15 | ANIMAL HOUSE $1000: Eyas, tiercel, hen, cast hawk |
#2339, aired 1994-11-03 | ANIMAL HOUSE $100: This bear that lives in frigid regions is also called the ice bear the polar bear |
#2339, aired 1994-11-03 | ANIMAL HOUSE $200: Eagles & ferrets are enemies of these "canine" rodents of the Great Plains prairie dogs |
#2339, aired 1994-11-03 | ANIMAL HOUSE $300: The name of this shaggy beast of burden comes from the Tibetan language the yak |
#2339, aired 1994-11-03 | ANIMAL HOUSE $400: Named for an island, this gigantic Indonesian lizard occasionally dines on wild pigs & small deer the komodo dragon |
#2339, aired 1994-11-03 | ANIMAL HOUSE $500: This Australian bird is called the "Bushman's clock" because its laughing cries are heard at dawn & dusk the kookaburra |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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