Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#7988, aired 2019-05-08ANGRY WORDS $400: To perturb, or when the 47th-ranked team defeats No. 1 upset
#7988, aired 2019-05-08ANGRY WORDS $800: "All the" this 4-letter word can mean widely popular rage
#7988, aired 2019-05-08ANGRY WORDS $1200: Deal with my this, vengeance as the consequence of anger, & also, I can't resist... Khaaaaan! wrath
#7988, aired 2019-05-08ANGRY WORDS $1600: This angry word, pronounced a bit differently, is a substance with a sweet odor when burned incense
#7988, aired 2019-05-08ANGRY WORDS $2000: 3 minor female divinities of Greek myth were collectively known as this the Furies
#6219, aired 2011-10-06ANGRY WORDS $400: Proverbially, if something is "all the" this, it's in style rage
#6219, aired 2011-10-06ANGRY WORDS $800: They said I was this 3-letter word meaning angry or insane--I am this! This, I tell you! mad
#6219, aired 2011-10-06ANGRY WORDS $1200: It belonged to Khan in a 1982 "Star Trek" title wrath
#6219, aired 2011-10-06ANGRY WORDS $1600: There's a body joint within this verb that means to irritate you rankle
#6219, aired 2011-10-06ANGRY WORDS $2000: These Greek female divinities punished crimes at the instigation of the victims the furies

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