Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4730, aired 2005-03-11ANATOMICAL ADVERTISING $400: Hepatic cells are found in the tissue of this organ; "bile secretion is our business" the liver
#4730, aired 2005-03-11ANATOMICAL ADVERTISING $800: Divided into the cardia, body region & pylorus; "Come see what's cookin'!" here the stomach
#4730, aired 2005-03-11ANATOMICAL ADVERTISING $1200: "You want glucagon? We got glucagon! Come back to the islets of Langerhans" in this gland the pancreas
#4730, aired 2005-03-11ANATOMICAL ADVERTISING $1600: 9 to 11 inches long, it's the first part of the small intestine; "Now with 30% more peptic ulcers!" the duodenum
#4730, aired 2005-03-11ANATOMICAL ADVERTISING $2000: For this lymphoid organ on the abdominal cavity's left side under the diaphragm; "It's red & white pulp-eriffic!" the spleen

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