Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8284, aired 2020-11-19AN OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE $400: On a clock's face, these parts show you the time hands
#8284, aired 2020-11-19AN OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE $800: The outwardly projecting parts on the rim of a gear or saw teeth
#8284, aired 2020-11-19AN OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE $1200: If you face up to your actions, you've done this to the blame, taken responsibility shouldered
#8284, aired 2020-11-19AN OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE $1600: You can finger a suspect; this other digit means casually turn through the pages of a magazine thumb
#8284, aired 2020-11-19AN OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE $6,200 (Daily Double): An extensive deposit in a rock fissure containing desirable minerals or ore a vein

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