Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6640, aired 2013-06-28AN OGDEN NASH MENAGERIE $200: Because this African beast is so homely, "I'll stare at something less prepoceros" rhinoceros
#6640, aired 2013-06-28AN OGDEN NASH MENAGERIE $400: "I do not charge" it "with matricide, but what about his Cleopatricide?" the asp
#6640, aired 2013-06-28AN OGDEN NASH MENAGERIE $600: "Toward a better world I contribute my modest smidgin; I eat the squab, lest it become" one of these pigeon
#6640, aired 2013-06-28AN OGDEN NASH MENAGERIE $1,000 (Daily Double): About this insect Nash wrote, "would you be calm and placid if you were full of formic acid?" an ant
#6640, aired 2013-06-28AN OGDEN NASH MENAGERIE $1000: Nash pondered whether this carnivorous insect was "from outer space, or lost Atlantis" a praying mantis

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