Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (35 results returned)

#9227, aired 2024-12-17AMPHIBIANS & REPTILES $200: The difference between these 2 types of amphibians of the order Anura? Smooth skin & long legs vs. rough skin & short legs, mostly toads & frogs
#9227, aired 2024-12-17AMPHIBIANS & REPTILES $400: The familiar name of these big salamanders comes from the mistaken belief that they could bark mudpuppies
#9227, aired 2024-12-17AMPHIBIANS & REPTILES $600: Discovered only in 1986 & now critically endangered, the pink iguana lives only on Isabela Island in this archipelago the Galápagos
#9227, aired 2024-12-17AMPHIBIANS & REPTILES $800: The feet of these common lizards are covered with tiny hairs that help them to climb even very smooth surfaces a gecko
#9227, aired 2024-12-17AMPHIBIANS & REPTILES $1000: Like mammals, amphibians were only mildly affected by the mass extinction at the end of this period; reptiles, well... the Cretaceous
#9071, aired 2024-04-01REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $200: A section of I-75 in Florida is alliteratively known as this animal "Alley" Alligator
#9071, aired 2024-04-01REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $400: The African clawed variety is an exception, but most frogs use this body part to catch their prey the tongue
#9071, aired 2024-04-01REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $600: The fire kind of this amphibian defends itself from predators by spraying poison from behind its eyes a salamander
#9071, aired 2024-04-01REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $800: Pogona is the genus name for the 8 species of this lizard lovingly known as "beardies" the bearded dragons
#9071, aired 2024-04-01REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $1000: From a Latin word for "blind", this worm-like amphibian spends most of its life underground the caecilian
#7091, aired 2015-06-15STATE AMPHIBIANS & REPTILES $400: Almost hunted to extinction but now upgraded to threatened, the alligator became its state reptile in 1987 Florida
#7091, aired 2015-06-15STATE AMPHIBIANS & REPTILES $800: The resolution making this largest North American frog Oklahoma's state amphibian says it makes a "jug-o-rum" sound the bullfrog
#7091, aired 2015-06-15STATE AMPHIBIANS & REPTILES $1200: New Hampshire elevated the red-spotted newt to publicize its declining numbers due to this type of precipitation acid rain
#7091, aired 2015-06-15STATE AMPHIBIANS & REPTILES $1600: Shh... What was that? The timber species of this snake, West Virginia's state reptile rattlesnake
#7091, aired 2015-06-15STATE AMPHIBIANS & REPTILES $2000: This turtle, the state reptile of New York, is said to have "jaws that can cut through flesh like butter" a snapping turtle
#5066, aired 2006-09-25REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $200: Smooth versus rough skin is one difference often given between frogs & these toads
#5066, aired 2006-09-25REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $400: Of 1 year, 10 years or 20 years, the approximate age at which the tuatara starts breeding 20 years
#5066, aired 2006-09-25REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $600: What's the matamata? An odd aquatic one of these that bends its neck instead of withdrawing it into the carapace a tortoise or turtle
#5066, aired 2006-09-25REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $800: The amphibian order Caudata consists of newts & other of these moist, short-legged creatures salamanders
#5066, aired 2006-09-25REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $1000: Instead of eating the Egyptian variety of this bird, a crocodile lets it into its mouth to clean the croc's teeth plover
#4525, aired 2004-04-16REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $400: In the marsupial frog, the eggs are enclosed in one of these on the back of the adult pouch
#4525, aired 2004-04-16REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $800: Of the rattlesnake, copperhead & cobra, the one not a pit viper cobra
#4525, aired 2004-04-16REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $1200: Because of glandular secretions, the fire-bellied toad has an odor similar to this "stinking rose" garlic
#4525, aired 2004-04-16REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $1600: Scientific families of this reptile include Gekkonidae & Iguanidae lizard
#4525, aired 2004-04-16REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $2000: The hellbender, the largest type of this amphibian in the U.S., can reach a length of 2 1/2 feet salamander
#2719, aired 1996-05-30REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $100: A jelly holds this animal's eggs together & dissolves when the tadpoles hatch frog
#2719, aired 1996-05-30REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $200: Found on different islands in the Galapagos, these great animals started Darwin thinking about evolution turtles (tortoises)
#2719, aired 1996-05-30REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $300: Used to slit its shell, it falls off a baby mamba a few days after it hatches an egg tooth
#2719, aired 1996-05-30REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $400: From the Greek for "crawling things", it's the study of reptiles & amphibians herpetology
#2719, aired 1996-05-30REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $500: Because people thought the salamander lived in fire, this mineral became "salamander's wool" asbestos
#1174, aired 1989-10-12REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $100: World Book warns that a soft-shelled turtle can do this with lightning speed bite
#1174, aired 1989-10-12REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $200: To fit in with their surroundings, many tree frogs have the ability to do this change color
#1174, aired 1989-10-12REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $300: The dusky salamander must keep its skin moist to absorb oxygen since it lacks these organs lungs
#1174, aired 1989-10-12REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $400: If you run into a mugger in India, you've met up with this type of big reptile crocodile
#1174, aired 1989-10-12REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS $500: The cottonmouth, a swamp-dwelling snake, is also known by this name that sounds like beach footwear (water) moccasin

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