Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8071, aired 2019-10-14AMERICAN POETS LAUREATE $400: The federal laureate position is technically called "Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry" by this library the Library of Congress
#8071, aired 2019-10-14AMERICAN POETS LAUREATE $800: This "Chicago" poet was Illinois' poet laureate in the last years of his life from 1962 to 1967 Carl Sandburg
#8071, aired 2019-10-14AMERICAN POETS LAUREATE $1200: Colorado laureate Milford Shields must have been surprised when the governor also made this singer laureate in 1974 John Denver
#8071, aired 2019-10-14AMERICAN POETS LAUREATE $2000: In 2019 Joy Harjo of the Muscogee Creek Nation of this state was named the first Native American poet laureate Oklahoma
#8071, aired 2019-10-14AMERICAN POETS LAUREATE $4,000 (Daily Double): In 1998 Lawrence Ferlinghetti was made this city's first poet laureate San Francisco

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