Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#2914, aired 1997-04-10AMERICAN MUSIC FESTIVALS $100: Lumberjacks might like Felton, California's picnic & music festival for players of this musical tool Saw
#2914, aired 1997-04-10AMERICAN MUSIC FESTIVALS $300: This state has a Banjo-rama in Davison & a fiddlers jamboree in Grand Rapids Michigan
#2914, aired 1997-04-10AMERICAN MUSIC FESTIVALS $400: In July this largest New Mexico city hosts a 3-day mariachi spectacular Albuquerque
#2914, aired 1997-04-10AMERICAN MUSIC FESTIVALS $500: This Rhode Island city known for its jazz festivals also has festivals for folk music & rhythm & blues Newport
#2914, aired 1997-04-10AMERICAN MUSIC FESTIVALS $1,200 (Daily Double): In '95 the Lower Keys Underwater Music Festival in Florida had a group of snorkelers impersonating him: [video clue] Elvis Presley

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