#9267, aired 2025-02-11 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $400: Until 1935 this body didn't have its own building; it met in the Old Senate Chamber, & members ate lunch in the Robing Room the Supreme Court |
#9267, aired 2025-02-11 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $1200: The mission statement of this Cabinet department begins, "With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people" Homeland Security |
#9267, aired 2025-02-11 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $1600: Created in 1939, the Executive Office of the President is overseen by this person, a position created in 1946 the (White House) chief of staff |
#9267, aired 2025-02-11 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $2000: Until 1967 & the 25th Amendment, VP succession to the presidency was based on precedent named for this man, the first to do it Tyler |
#9267, aired 2025-02-11 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $6,400 (Daily Double): The oldest committee in the House, it's been charting revenue policy since 1789 Ways and Means |
#6387, aired 2012-05-29 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $400: Farm security & home economics are among the concerns of the House Committee on this, founded in 1820 Agriculture |
#6387, aired 2012-05-29 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $800: Federal accountants may be hung over on October 1, the first day of this year the fiscal year |
#6387, aired 2012-05-29 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $1200: Chicago has 50 wards, each represented by one of these elected officials an alderman |
#6387, aired 2012-05-29 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $1600: (Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presents the clue.) According to a 1792 law, a presidential resignation is addressed to the Secretary of State; Richard Nixon's resignation became effective only when this man initialed it Henry Kissinger |
#6387, aired 2012-05-29 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $2000: Of these 874 federal government jobs, 85 are vacant, some for over 5 years judgeships |
#5211, aired 2007-04-16 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $200: Kansas' 10-member Board of this has made news for its doubts about Darwin Education |
#5211, aired 2007-04-16 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $400: (Jon of the Clue Crew reports from the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, AR.) The Bill Clinton Library's Cabinet meeting room shows that the President has the Defense Secretary on his left & this Cabinet officer on his right Secretary of State |
#5211, aired 2007-04-16 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $600: This type of joint committee settles differences between Senate & House versions of a bill Conference Committee |
#5211, aired 2007-04-16 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $800: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from inside the State Capitol building in Lincoln, NE.) As in Washington, the vice president presides over the Senate, in Nebraska, this official presides over the unicameral legislature the lieutenant governor |
#5211, aired 2007-04-16 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $1000: Judicially, the U.S. is divided regionally into 12 of these, each with a Court of Appeals circuits |
#4850, aired 2005-10-14 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $400: This Cabinet department is in charge of grading meat, poultry & dairy products to ensure their quality the Department of Agriculture |
#4850, aired 2005-10-14 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $1,200 (Daily Double): It's the minimum number of electoral votes that a state may have in the electoral college 3 |
#4850, aired 2005-10-14 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $1200: The Great Seal of the U.S. features a bald eagle with a ribbon in its mouth bearing this Latin motto E pluribus unum |
#4850, aired 2005-10-14 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $1600: The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees "the right of the people peaceably to" do this assemble |
#4850, aired 2005-10-14 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $2000: In the absence of the vice president, it's the title of the person who heads the U.S. Senate the president pro tem |
#4297, aired 2003-04-15 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $200: When a minor breaks the law, his or her case usually goes to this court juvenile court |
#4297, aired 2003-04-15 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $400: Under the first amendment, you have the right to do this, as long as it's "peaceably" assemble |
#4297, aired 2003-04-15 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $600: It's no secret that William Colby, William Casey & William Webster have all headed this agency the CIA |
#4297, aired 2003-04-15 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $800: (Hi. I'm Rudy Giuliani.) In 1981 I was named Associate Attorney General, the third highest position in the U.S. Government department the Justice Department |
#4297, aired 2003-04-15 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $1000: In 2001 he resigned as a state governor to head up the new Office of Homeland Security Tom Ridge |
#3556, aired 2000-02-07 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $100: It begins, "We the people of the United States, in order to form..." the Constitution |
#3556, aired 2000-02-07 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $200: While he rarely appears in the Senate, it's his job to cast the deciding vote when there's a tie vice president |
#3556, aired 2000-02-07 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $300: It's the body that meets here: the Supreme Court |
#3556, aired 2000-02-07 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $400: This daily account of the goings-on in the House & Senate has been published by the government since 1873 the Congressional Record |
#3556, aired 2000-02-07 | AMERICAN GOVERNMENT $500: It's no longer a secret -- in 1856 Millard Fillmore ran for president on this party's ticket & lost the Know-Nothings |